Community Partner Projects
The Faribault Foundation has provided an umbrella of support for many local partners. If you have an idea or project that will benefit Faribault, contact the Foundation to see if we can help you get started.
The Foundation currently serves as the fiscal agent for the following community projects:
Thanksgiving Community Dinner
Every year volunteers rally to provide a Thanksgiving meal for the community. Whether in need or in need of company, willing to volunteer or need a meal delivered. This event exemplified COMMUNITY!
Call Laura at 507-210-2720 to volunteer. Donations may be made through the Faribault Foundation. Please note Thanksgiving Dinner with your donation.
Beyond the Yellow Ribbon supports families of local Veteran's in many ways. For more information contact Troy Dunn at the Rice County Sheriff's Department 334-4391 Click Here
The Faribault Mural Society uses public art to enhance the local economy and build community pride. Click Here