Message Board Report

In the summer of 2021, we all needed some positive reinforcement. The Faribault Foundation provided the community with a way to share positive messages through a Message Board in Central Park.
Throughout the summer Faribault residents and visitors could grab a tag and post their message. We encouraged people to: #Post Your Pride, #Post your Gratitude, #Post Possibilities.
In addition to having the tags available at Central Park, they were delivered to clubs, businesses, and other gathering spots to encourage people to participate. We also moved the Message Board to the Blue-Collar BBQ in downtown Faribault for the Saturday events.
Special thanks to the individuals and businesses that helped:
· Dave Albers – Design & Construction –
· Chadderdon Lumber - Lumber and hardware –
· Caron - Fence Fencing –
· Sherwin Williams - Paint –
· Insty Prints - Banner at the top –
· Thrivent - Grant support -
· Faribault Park and Recreation - Support and promote –
· Todd Markman, Donna & Jim Crowl, Pat Rice, Pat Gustafson, Jim Anderson, Chad Koepke & Ann Meillier – for lots of extra help!
Hundreds of messages were posted. Those written in marker were well preserved, sadly some were written in pencil and pen and the messages faded before we could record them. Although we suggested message based on Pride, Gratitude and Possibilities, the ideas overlapped, and many people put multiple messages on a tag. We were grateful and proud too, because there was absolutely no vandalism to the Message Board, and only a handful of tags needed to be removed due to inappropriate content.
Here are some highlights:
“Faribault is a great loving and caring community”
“Thankful for a community of volunteers”
“Small town feel with great choices in medical, food and shopping”
“Proud to call Faribault home”
“Grateful to be employed”
“For my good name”
“For sports teams”
“For getting through Covid-19”
“For sunny days”
“For music”
“For Freedom”
“Looking forward to seeing people thrive”
“Hopeful for racial harmony in Faribault”
“I am hopeful and excited for our future”
Download the full report here