Can you offer a Hand Up?
Our hands express a lot of sentiments. An enthusiastic wave gets your attention. You clap your hands together to show approval or excitement. Watch people give a “happy high” five after achieving a goal. A firm handshake gets a new relationship off to a good start. Many of us put our hands together to pray.
A child needs a hand up to reach the chair or swing. An elderly person may need a hand up to get safely into the car. Neighbors lend a hand to neighbors. A hand up is when you just need a little help to get started, and after that you can manage ok!
That’s the idea behind the Faribault Foundation Hand Up Campaign.
In the past year, the Faribault Foundation has taken the community foundation from a small pass-through organization to a full-fledged and dynamic community foundation. Policies and procedures have been vetted and approved for operating as a trustworthy resource for community philanthropy. This builds on our long history of raising funds and helping organizations with small grants.
The Hand Up Campaign is seeking support from people who love Faribault to inspire philanthropy focused on improving quality of life in Faribault now and long into the future. We are poised and ready to help build the future we all dream of for the community we love.
Donors to the hand up campaign give and pledge over five years. Half of the donation is endowed to the Founder’s Society – to be available to fund the greatest needs in Faribault in perpetuity. The other half is the hand up. The Faribault Foundation will use that “hand up” to fund operations, covering for staff, accounting services along with the software and supplies needed for the operation, until we can manage ok on our own.
The short-term goal is to raise $2.5 million pledged over 5 years. With 22 participants so far, we have reached 1.6 million. We are still looking for people to participate. Qualified donations given to the Hand Up campaign are recognized through membership in the Founder Society, a permanent recognition of philanthropy.
There are many other ways the Foundation is prepared to help the community. People can think of the foundation as their charitable checkbook, by opening a donor advised fund. Organizations can use the foundation as a partner to safeguard funds through a dedicated endowment fund. Business owners can increase their gifts to charity while reducing their tax burden. Retirees can give from their required distribution and help the community at the same time. Families can give in honor or in memory of their loved one, knowing their contribution will help fund the greatest needs in the community long into the future.
We know this is new for Faribault – but we see communities around us prospering with the help of their foundation. We are grateful for the hand up we have received so far – we still need a hand. Contact me for a no pressure – information sharing appointment. Laura Bock - 507-805-8800