Hand Up Campaign Support
Patricia Gustafson has been on the Faribault Foundation Board since its inception. She is participating in the current Hand Up Campaign. Here is what she had to say,

“As a life long member of the Faribault community, Faribault Foundation Inc. board member and one of the organization’s founding board members, I am proud to support and contribute to the Faribault Foundation Hands Up Campaign and ultimately, support the Faribault community."
The Hand Up Campaign will help us fund the basic needs of the Faribault Foundation operations and at the same time will build the endowment that will fund the greatest needs in the community. The short-term goal is to raise $2.5 million. Half of what is raised will provide funds to help pay our operating expenses. This includes a full-time executive director, accounting services, as well as software needed for donor and fund management. The other half of the dollars raised will be permanently placed in a discretionary endowment fund to be used for community grant-making. Each donor to the Hand Up Campaign will have a named fund and be recognized as a member of the Founders Society.
The 5-year goal is to encourage the development of philanthropy greater than $10 million which will be made up of many endowed component funds that include named donor-advised, organization, discretionary, or field-of-interest funds. The component funds will provide predictable income for local nonprofit organizations, and community needs.
The opportunity for donors to join the Founders Society remains open for a few more months. Set up a confidential meeting with a board member or Executive Director, Laura Bock, to learn more. Call 507-805-8800 for an appointment.